Bussiness excellence – issue non-accredited certificates

EFQM  is the  worldwide assessment concept for Business Excellence to be used for all business sectors. Extent and key aspects of an assessment are custom-tailored to each customer. Conformity assessments according to international standards or specifications, such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001 or automotive, are integrated into the assessment.

BCert  uses this service to assist its customers in consolidating various management systems requirements into one integrated system. But what is more important are the impulses that EFQM provides in regards to strategy and goal–setting. The assessment focuses on methods that will enable an organisation to achieve lasting success, be recognized in the market and by stakeholders as such and to achieve a clear differentiation versus the competition

An assessment report clearly delineates strengths as well as improvement potential. The decisive factors for significant increases in effectiveness and efficiency are demonstrated very precisely. Top management receives a clear picture of its management system’s ability to perform, complete with the option of deriving focused improvement measures from the results