JAS-ANZ Accredited sub categories:
ISO 22000:2018 – Food Safety Management System
ISO 22000:2005- Food Safety Management System
For sub categories:
- CI-IV Food Manufacturing
- E Catering
- G Provision of transport and storage services
The food safety management system effectively identifies potential hazards and systematically set controls in place to increase regulatory compliance and confidence in their product safety.
What is ISO 22000?
ISO 22000 is a preventative and HACCP-based system that is adaptable to any size business participating in the food chain supply. It is applicable to feed producers, food manufacturers, transport and storage operators and subcontractors to retail and food service outlets. Its systematic approach provides standards and guidelines for food safety and continuously identifies areas for improvement, ISO 22000 is auditable and provides verification and validation of the system. It provides a system to help:
- Control and manage food safety
- Verify and validate that the system is effective
- Improve conformance to regulatory standards
- Demonstrate due diligence by processors
Why ISO 22000?
Safety and security of food is a worldwide concern such a concern that companies and consumers can no longer strictly rely on the FDA to manage ISO 22000 certification will help companies:
- Provide confidence to consumers on product safety
- Establish interactive communication upstream and downstream the food chain
- Create a food safety team made up of employees
- Create traceability of products
- Provide control of non-conforming products